So this show we enter the world of Amazon live-streaming. It’s a bit like Reddit – I know it exists but not really sure how it all works. Thankfully, we have Jim Fuhs and Chris Stone of Dealcasters Live – a live show on Amazon to teach us all about it. Jim will make the record of the first multi-guest never to have appeared on his own. Maybe one day we’ll tempt him on alone, but for now the focus is Amazon Live!
Contact Details for the guests:
Website: dealcasters.live
Twitter: https://twitter.com/DealcastersLive
Amazon Live Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/amazonlivecreators
Get your own .LIVE domain to redirect your Amazon Live show (or any other live show on any online platform!) for $1.99: https://name.com/live PROMO CODE: GETLIVE